Saddlebrooke hiking club. Her name was recently added. Saddlebrooke hiking club

 Her name was recently addedSaddlebrooke hiking club  Members of our club are invited to make a tax free contribution to Friends of Oracle State Park, Inc, P

The trail was widened next to natural drainages and water barriers were developed to prevent trail erosion. Outside of hiking, the club also gathers periodically for social hours, picnics. 005 sbhc sep-oct 2001 newsletterRelated Forms - saddlebrooke hiking club FORM 30701D (1010) FORM 30701D 10 10) UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF OKLAHOMA IN RE:, Case No. Post navigation. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to contentcontributions to the club and selected me as 2022 Volunteer of the Year. But the dilemma we had was – fall color or more guides? Last year the Flagstaff trip was October 13-15; and the majority of the leaves, particularly the aspen, had. A "Yes" in final column indicates new. Proudly powered by WordPress. This trail affords aSaddleBrooke hikers who are hiking the entire Arizona Trail. In February 17, 2016, volunteers removed001 sbhc jan-feb 2020 newsletter. James (Jim) Smith, a nine-year Club member, as the featured speaker at its monthly meeting and program on March 16, 2022. Hike Location Hike Rating Hike Name Hike Description AZ Trail B Arizona Trail: Alamo Canyon (Passage 17) This passage begins at a point west of the White Canyon Wilderness on the Tontocontact Walt for information, waltshields@mac. This content is password protected. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club began an epic trek through the state of Arizona. To view it please enter your password below: Password:The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club is planning to offer hikes led by member guides in all of these areas. Our hiking days will be Wednesday through Friday,. You do not need to be a member of the hiking club to come! Following the talk, participants are encouraged to meet for happy hour at the Agave Lounge in the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse. Hikers will explore the Chisos Mountains, the Chihuahuan Desert, and the canyons of the Rio. LAST NAME FIRST NAME Calendar Year Paid Thru If you see your name on the list, your dues are paid throughguides and hikers, a blazer of new hiking trails, and currently serves as Club Vice President. 003 sbhc may-jun 2000 newsletter. Remember there is no street parking near the Activity Center. Las Vegas is about 400 miles from SaddleBrooke. To access a specific subject, go back to the HOME page, hover over the “ARCHIVES: GENERAL” menu header, and then scroll to or point at the desired subject and click. m. The city lies 384 miles north of SaddleBrooke, about a 6-hour drive. In March 2010, about 35 SaddleBrooke Hiking Club members met to discuss hiking the Arizona Trail, a continuous 810 mile trail the entire length of Arizona. Their destination was the Wilderness of the Rocks trail. For further information, call Walt (818-3439) or Cheryl (825-9057). 003 sbhc may-jun 2007 newsletter. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to contentThe SaddleBrooke Hiking Club is making a significant difference on the Oracle Passage of the Arizona National Scenic Trail. They and the members all know that their club is only possible due to the many volunteers—the guides, all the various committee members, and the tech support. But members can participate in other activities as well. Ruth’s nursing career started in herThe SaddleBrooke Hiking Club will be hiking in the Las Vegas, Nevada area April 18 - 20, 2016, on the annual trip. First up, on Wednesday, March 18, is the program on Africa presented by Barbara and Jack Rosenthal. The trail traverses all of the unique geography of our. 001 sbhc jan-feb 2017 newsletter. and return by noon. We then continue on to a waterfall where we will have lunch. 2011 Meeting Minutes. Because of the busy holiday season, there will be no Hiking Club program in December. We offer multiple card and game groups and dance clubs from beginner to experienced. (Photo by Josh from ATA) Hiking Club…The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club is scheduling a 3-day, 4-night hiking trip to Big Bend National Park . darkness. SBHC ADOPTS CATALINA HILLS DRIVE – MARCH 2007. When the club needed help with the newsletter,Lounge of the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse at 5 p. For more information about the meeting or to learn more about the hiking club, please contact Michael Caryl at lawman69@hotmail. 2 Save the dates – September 25 – 27, 2019! You will not want to miss this trip to Durango, Colorado - 470 miles from SaddleBrooke. This is a wonderfully diverse ecosystem. 004 sbhc jul-aug 2004 newsletter. Home; JOIN SBHC; Newsletters; Bulletins; Programs & Club Trips; Hike Schedules; Hiker Information; Forms; Contacts; Guides; Useful Links; Member Recognition; Hike Database; By-Laws; Archives: General. at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center and there is a $4. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to content. 001 sbhc jan-feb 2003 newsletter. In March 2010, about 35 SaddleBrooke Hiking Club members met to discuss hiking the Arizona Trail, a continuous 810 mile trail the entire length of Arizona. Volunteers SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Unconditional Release of All Claims. 004 sbhc jul-aug 2015 newsletter. Seventy-two members attended, the main purpose of which was to elect new officers for the club. m. 005 sbhc sep-oct 2018 newsletterSaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to contentIn March 2010, about 35 SaddleBrooke Hiking Club members met to discuss hiking the Arizona Trail, a continuous 810 mile trail the entire length of Arizona. This trip is 6 nights with 5 days of hiking. Ruth’s nursing career started in her The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club will be hiking in the Las Vegas, Nevada area April 18 - 20, 2016, on the annual trip. Archives: Mtg Minutes. For more information about the meeting or to learn more about the hiking club, please contact Michael Caryl at lawman69@hotmail. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to contentSaddleBrooke Hiking club I would have never experienced these AZ sanctuaries. Bob Cardell and Pat Hammes started a serious effort to locate and document crested saguaros in February, 2005. Our hiking days will be Wednesday through Friday,. Generally, they plan two trips each year. Last April, the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club (SBHC) was invited to explore the newly developed hiking trails at the Amerind Museum. Santa Fe is the oldest capital city in the U. Print/PDF map. But the dilemma we had was – fall color or more guides? Last year the Flagstaff trip was October 13-15; and SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to content SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Trip Committee: Arlene Daigle Karen Gray Leslie Hawkins Dale Leman Susan Love Randy Richards And A? ( lways looking for another member) ARIZONA TRAIL IN A DAY October 9, 2021 Submitted by Elisabeth Wheeler The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club is a strong supporter of the Arizona National Scenic Trail. 2 Both the March 18 and April 15 programs will begin. James (Jim) Smith, a nine-year Club member, as the featured speaker at its monthly meeting and program on March 16, 2022. com If you see your name on the list, your dues are paid through the year stated. First, he thanked the retiring officers: Walt Shields (senior chief hiking guide) andRegional multi-day hiking trips are a hallmark of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club. Joaquin Ruiz, Vice President for Innovation and Dean of the College of Science at the University of Arizona, will speak to members of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club about the geological features of. Table of Contents Table of ContentsSaddleBrooke Hiking Club International Trips May 29, 2021 The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club trip committee is looking at International group trips in 2022. 004 sbhc jul-aug 2001 newsletter. For example, 2021 means you are paid through the 2021 calendar year. The program will begin at 3 p. 2012 Meeting Minutes. 2020 Meeting Minutes. The club recommends that the latest waypoints and/or tracks be downloaded from ATA web site (a link can be found on the SBHC Hiking Club web site) and plotted on a good topographic map (preferably 1:24,000 USGS). The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club welcomes Dr. Join your neighbors for enjoyable ways to acquire or fine-tune your artistic skills. Some folks may want to do everything at once. 31 six members of the hiking club drove to the Equestrian Center in Catalina State Park to begin this. On a beautiful late October morning, seven members of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club traded their hiking gear for jeans, boots and western clothing and went horseback riding in. You will have an opportunity to elect the club’s president andIn January, 20 SaddleBrooke Hiking Club guides participated in an all-day training program covering recognition and management of common injuries and medical conditions that our hikers face in the Tucson environment. Please also visit our club website: saddlebrookehikingclub. 4, eight SaddleBrooke Hiking Club (SBHC) members met in downtown Tucson for a four-mile walk to visit over 50 murals. 002 sbhc mar-apr 2001 newsletter. 2023 Newsletters. , for a May 11 through 13 trip. Aline, continues to reside at SaddleBrooke. On this trip, they completed AZ Trail passages 33 and 34, a total of about 50 miles in the eaks. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to contentEight SaddleBrooke Hiking Club members headed up on May 3 to seek the crisp clear air of Mount Lemmon. To learn about fitness walks and hikes offered by the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club contact President Larry Allen, 825-7864. mile Copper Canyons Park area of Mexico. To view it please enter your password below: Password:SaddleBrooke Hiking Club began an epic trek through the state of Arizona. com or call 269-873-5739. 003 sbhc may-jun 2003 newsletter. net. other commumcations that the Hikino Club sends out. TRAILBLAZER AWARD 2023. Remember there is no street parking near the Activity Center. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL The Hikina Club Treasurer, Bob White, would like to remind those hikers who joined the club. ) with treats afterwards. HIKING CLUB RETURNS TO SUPAI IN NOVEMBER, 2016 By Randy Park In November the tour guides from Northern Arizona University led 18 members of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club on four days of hikes on the Hualipai and Havasupai Indian Reservations. 2016 Meeting Minutes. 002 sbhc mar-apr 2003 newsletter. SBHC 2023 – 2024 PROGRAMS 10-31-23. Smith’s presentation is titled “A Hiker's Guide to Birding: SaddleBrooke, SE Arizona, and Beyond. Free to all SaddleBrooke residents. Article VI. This year the picnic was held at the YMCA's Triangle Y Ranch in Oracle on April 15. In March 2010, about 35 SaddleBrooke Hiking Club members met to discuss hiking the Arizona Trail, a continuous 810 mile trail the entire length of Arizona. The destination of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club's Fall trip in 2019. Karen Gray Throughout the year, the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club sponsors hundreds of hikes to various areas in Arizona. ← Previous. December 15, 2021 Ruth Caldwell On Nov. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club’s featured speaker for the January, 2022, meeting and program will be Club member, Jack Jeffery. The participating SaddleBrooke hikers commented that the trip offered something for everyone and they looked forward to future trips with the Club. 004 sbhc jul-aug 2019 newsletter. 002 sbhc mar-apr 2006 newsletter. com SADDLEBROOKE HIKING CLUB OFFICERS President: Jon Chase — 818-1115 Jonchase@robsoncom. With a clever distraction, Tom made his dash, The humans bewildered; their faces a flash, His feathered brethren, they’d follow the splash, To a paradise for poultry, they’d escape in a flash. The final hike for 2022 was the Ridge/50-year loop trail. part of the SaddleBrooke Community Libraries. m. This content is password protected. 2015 Meeting Minutes. Easy • 4. Smith’s presentation is titled “A Hiker's Guide to Birding: SaddleBrooke, SE Arizona, and Beyond”. Mount Remo Backcountry Society – Terrace. A dozen members of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club were joined by volunteers for the Arizona Trail Association (ATA) for fun in the sun on Wednesday,. S. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to content On a Tuesday in June, 11 members of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club decided to get out of the Sonoran Desert heat and head up to the cool Mount Lemmon wilderness. Membership in the club is open to all SaddleBrooke residents for $10 a year. guides and hikers, a blazer of new hiking trails, and currently serves as Club Vice President. Elevation profiles should be generated to determine the level2017 Meeting Minutes. Rob Lonjers On Oct. The walk will only take an hour to an hour and a half of your time. As president of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club, with over 650 members, I am happy to announce that Robert Stieve, editor of Arizona Highways since April 2007, will be. 001 sbhc jan-feb 2002 newsletter. Remember there is no street parking near the Activity Center. Annual dues, once paid, are non-refundable. Forest Service as our October speaker, kicking off the 2023-24 program schedule. The area offers some of the finest hiking in the Southwest. A sign-up book is at. 2-mile hike at the top of Mount Lemmon where it was a cool 65 degrees and took the Marshall Gulch trail. All Saddlebrooke residents are invited to the presentation to be held on Wednesday, November 18th at 3:00 p. Residents of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch are invited to attend the meeting at the HOA #1 Activity Center at 4 PM on January 17, 2018. Recently, 11 members of the Hiking Club at SaddleBrooke, a Robson Resort Community, decided to get out of the Sonoran Desert heat and head up to the. Forest Service as our October speaker, kicking off the 2023-24 program schedule. The hike rating is determined by one (or both) of the two values being exceeded. The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club is making a significant difference on the Oracle Passage of the Arizona National Scenic Trail. It will be rescheduled for another date. contact Walt for information, waltshields@mac. 00 entry fee. The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club welcomes Adam Milnor of the U. The area gets little rain. Before lunch Dave Corrigan, club president, talked about the. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club’s featured speaker for the January, 2022, meeting and program will be Club member, Jack Jeffery. The membership year is from January 1 to December 31. 2022 Meeting Minutes. Length 4. Check out a great new web page for the Pima Trails Association at SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Officers President - Bill Leightenheimer - 818-1953 Vice-President - Norm Kyle - 818-0563The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club held a volunteer party on the evening of January 28 at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center with thirty-nine members in attendance. The event will be held in the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center on Wednesday, January 19, at 4 p. This is always an exciting and busy event where clubs and social groups showcase their activities and inform prospective members. com or call Mike at 206-617-0225. Residents of SaddleBrooke are invited to attend the meeting at the HOA #1 Activity Center at 4 PM on October 17, 2018. Desert Sand Court, Tucson, AZ 85739, do not hand deliver. in May 2022. You do not need to be a member of the hiking club to attend. It was decided that the best way would be to do it in passages between 10 to 20 miles per section. 03 Special assessments may be made only by amendment to these by-laws. 005 sbhc sep-oct 2012 newsletterUNCONDITIONAL RELEASE: By signing below, I acknowledge having read, understood, executed and received a copy of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Membership Application and Release (“Membership Form”), and that all of its terms and provisions, including without limitationAs one of our tenured hiking guides, Elisabeth also leads many of our traditional hikes in the SaddleBrooke area (24 hikes this year!), as well as hikes on our club trips. Following the talk, participants are encouraged to meet for happy hour at the Agave Lounge at the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse. 0 65+ men, 3. Authority and LimitationsThis trail in the Santa Rita Mountains down by Green Valley always pleases SaddleBrooke hikers. 001 sbhc jan-feb 2022 newsletter rev1. 01 Duties and tasks (job descriptions) for club officers and appointees may be further delineated as approved by the Board and noted in meeting minutes. He and his wife, Peggy, have been active members of SBHC since moving to SaddleBrooke in 2007. SBHC TRAIL SIGN IN FORM 07-07-21. These dates were chosen to avoid potential snow in the area. As we move forward as a hiking club, we will want to take advantage of technology to improve the efficiency of the clubs operations. Adam is the Recreation, Heritage and Lands StaffHiking Club Diary – November 2023. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club June 15, 2017 Back row: Pete Canon, Lynda Green, Jim Springer, Steve Aikens, Jan Springer, Guje Rizza, Joe Rizza, Michael Reale;. We are planning on having a Christmas. 002 sbhc mar-apr 2015 newsletter rev 1. Outgoing officers were President BillRuth Caldwell The board of SaddleBrooke Hiking Club hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Event this past April 20—the first held since the onset of COVID in 2020. 003 sbhc may-jun 2002 newsletter. Elevation profiles should be generated to determine the level SaddleBrooke Hiking Club, complete the form attached at the end of the newsletter. [Guide: Jeff Love, seppylov@gmail. of hiking, including proper clothing and equipment, and off she went. Pottery Club at SaddleBrooke. 002 sbhc mar-apr 2005 newsletter. This year the SBHC board of directors has chosen Susan Hollis and Randy Park. Other Palm Springs area hikes, led by Larry and other guides from the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club and the local Coachella Valley Hiking Club, covered the Pacific Crest Trail, daunting Murray Hill and the Ladders hike to a slot canyon. Because there is no limit on the number of hikers allowed on the trails around Moab as was the case on some of the Zion hikes this year, hiking club members may bring a non-guest member to accompany them if they wish. The Hiking Club isSaddleBrooke Hiking Club Trip Page, Arizona April 16-18, 2024 Page, Arizona was chosen for the lub’s Spring 2024 Hiking lub trip. , settled in 1609-1610 by Don Pedro de Peralta as a Spanish colony, and. The heavy snowfall this past winter, coupled with the 2020 damage from the Big Horn fire had taken. 004 sbhc jul-aug 2021 newsletter. m. 003 sbhc may-jun 2018 newsletter. Agave Lounge in the SaddleBrooke HOA 1 Clubhouse at 4 p. Hiking guide Tim Butler has explored all the trails in the State Trust Land and Coronado National Forest to the east of SaddleBrooke. Dr. com SADDLEBROOKE HIKING CLUB SPRING COPPER CANYON TRIP Submitted by Phil McNamee There are still spaces available for the November 19, 2018, departure for the Copper Canyon Trip. In this hidden haven, grace filled the air, Turkeys danced freely, without a care, No humans with knives, or worrying stares, Just endless fields. For example, 22 members recently completed three half-day GPS workshops. Hike Database. Bob Shea will be our featured speaker at the Wednesday, January 18, 2023, SaddleBrooke Hiking Club meeting and program. 005 sbhc sep-oct 2003 newsletterSaddleBrooke resident Phil McNamee, an experienced hiker and backpacker, will lead hiking club members and guests on a trek through Gros Morne National Park in Canada via a slide show and lecture during the club’s program on Wednesday, November 19. For example, 2021 means you are paid through the 2021 calendar year. The final hike for 2022 was the Ridge/50-year Loop Trail. the hiking club, please contact Myrna Simms at [email protected] the year, the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club sponsors hundreds of hikes to various areas in Arizona. 2010 Maps & GPS Seminar;. Thus they were able to finance andSaddleBrooke Hiking Club Member Listing with Dues Expiration Date (as of 09-27-2023 with 664 members) Questions: Contact Dianna Wilson 662-816-5190 / diwilson1life@gmail. Hiking dates will be April 16, 17, and 18, 2024. After carpooling to Oracle State Park, ten wanderers took in 3 and a half miles of gentle trails. The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club welcomes Dr. The event will run from 8 to 11 a. Make new friends and enjoy the best years of your life…. hike - hiking poles are advised. Elevation profiles should be generated to determine the level Highway Program. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to content SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences. Game time is at 12:45 p. Please send your dues to Bob Perez, club secretary, 65187 E. Dr. This content is password protected. In February 17, 2016, volunteers removedThis content is password protected. 2-mile hike at the top of Mount Lemmon where it was a cool 65 degrees. Her name was recently added. Ruth and Terry met at 5th General Army Hospital in Bad Cannstatt, West Germany, in 1985 when Ruth was a civilian RN working in labor and delivery; and Terry was an officer nurse. Online Event. 1) Page 1 GENERAL INFORMATION All hikes leave from the first, left (when entering from MountainView Blvd. 002 sbhc mar-apr 2013 newsletter. To view it please enter your password below: Password:2010 Meeting Minutes. On November 2, Phil McNamee arranged for 42 members and guests of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club to travel 1300 miles round trip by tour bus to visit the majestic 25,000 sq. com or call 517-488-8644. To view it please enter your password below: Password:December 1, 2012 (rev. 005 sbhc sep-oct 2019 newsletterSaddleBrooke Hiking Club *restricted to SaddleBrooke residents/guests only. Charleston. 003 sbhc may-jun 2005 newsletter. For more information on SaddleBrooke Hiking Club meetings and activities contact Jan Springer at 825-1451 or Janet65673@msn. The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club welcomes Dr. Member Recognition. The program will begin at 3 p. To view it please enter your password below: Password:remember to contact the hiking guide to reserve a spot. sbhc hike elevation – rating – pace 12-13-14. m. The undersigned individual (“Hiker”) states his/her intention to participate in hikes organized or sponsored by the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club (“Club”). SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Member Meeting & Picnic – March 29th, 2012 By Ken Wong The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club held their biannual member meeting and picnic on March 29th at Catalina State Park. The club will provide fried and baked chicken and water as well as plates, cups, napkins, and eating. 5 65+ men, and 4. If so, plan to attend a Hiking Orientation Presentation at 1:30, February 3, in the HOA#1 Activity Center. 004 sbhc jul-aug 2022 newsletter. 2018 Meeting Minutes. When in doubt about something just remember the "golden rule" — treat other trail users how you want to be treated and respect the wildlife and lands of our great national parks. Seventy-two members attended, the main purpose of which was to elect new officers for the club. What came as a big surprise to most hikers was the number of downed trees across the trail on the Marshall Gulch/Aspen Loop. 005 sbhc sep-oct 2010 newsletterThe Saddlebrooke Hiking Club is proud to announce our fall trip to Santa Fe, one of the jewels of the Southwest. 2013 Meeting Minutes. 005 sbhc sep-oct 2022 newsletterKaren Schickedanz Continuing to feature adventures both far and near, the next two SaddleBrooke Hiking Club programs will feature Hiking in Tanzania and Mt. This content is password protected. “Under African Skies” will highlight a recent seven-week, seven-country trip to. Sycamore Creek begins about 20 miles east of Flagstaff and carves out the Canyon for more than 20 miles to the Karen Gray. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Member Listing with Dues Expiration Date (as of 10-08-2023 with 666 members) Page 1 of 18. Most will want to arrive on, or before Monday, October 12, and depart Friday, October 16. 2018 Meeting Minutes. News You Can Use001 sbhc jan-feb 2018 newsletter. The “behind the curtain” folks. To view it please enter your password below: Password:Tag: SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Generals, December 2019 Hikers get their 10,000 steps! December 1, 2019. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club. November 15, 2023. Wednesday, January 18, 2023, SaddleBrooke Hiking Club meeting and program. The annual meeting will be held at 11:30 a. Volunteers attend five to six work sessions a year to maintain the Oracle Passage, a 8. Thus they were able to finance and SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Member Listing with Dues Expiration Date (as of 09-27-2023 with 664 members) Questions: Contact Dianna Wilson 662-816-5190 / diwilson1life@gmail. (SPA), is fielding four teams to compete in the Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) for the coming season. Entering into the outdoor retail industry in 1967 by two teenagers, Summit Hut has grown over the last 50+ years and now has two retail stores along with an internet presence. Hiker Information. Volunteers work for 3 hours (8 a. Karen Gray Throughout the year, the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club sponsors hundreds of hikes to various areas in Arizona. To view it please enter your password below: Password:Mary Hanley. Please join the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club in the. 003 sbhc may-jun 2013 newsletter. James (Jim) Smith, an eight-year Club member, as the featured speaker at its monthly meeting and program on November 17, 2021. Thanks, Pam, for taking on this important responsibility! Hiking in Sedona with Dave Sorenson I will be offering three days of hikes in the Sedona area from October 11th-13th. The hike rating is determined by one (or both) of. com. The Walking Sticks (Tubac). This trip is 6 nights with 5 days of hiking. Swim Club. Modelers. 004 sbhc jul-aug 2020 newsletter. LAST NAME FIRST NAME Calendar Year Paid Thru Questions: Contact Dianna Wilson 662-816-5190 / diwilson1life@gmail. 3:00 p. Currently, the team participants are. This year the SBHC Board of Directors hasThe SaddleBrooke Hiking Club is a strong supporter of the Arizona National Scenic Trail. 001 sbhc jan-feb 2010 newsletter. If you’re ready to take the path less travelled and live your best adventure life, come to join the Island. m. The main purpose was to elect new officers for the club. November 15, 2023. This location is roughly an hour and 40 minute drive from SaddleBrooke. m. For more information and how to sign up for this trip, please contact Susan Hollis at 520-825-6819 or slhollis@yahoo. C. SYCAMORE CANYON RIM HIKES Submitted by Tim Butler Sycamore Canyon is the second largest canyon in Arizona (behind the Grand Canyon). in the Coyote Room at SaddleBrooke Club House on the first Wednesday of every even month. com or call 269-873-5739. of the hiking club to attend. The club’s membership is currently over 400, including 38 who serve as guides. Joaquin Ruiz, Vice President for Innovation and Dean of the College of Science at the University of Arizona, will speak to members of the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club about the geological features of the Catalina Mountains that attract the variety of vegetation, plants and wildlife that we see there today. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club’s featured speaker for the January, 2022, meeting and program will be Club member, Jack Jeffery. This content is password protected. The passages were posted in the Hiking Club's schedule and available to all Club members. Hike 5 miles; trailhead elevation 2600 feet; net elevation change 789 feet; accumulated gain 830 feet; RTD 21 miles. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Member Listing with Dues Expiration Date (as of 1-7-22) Questions: Contact Dianna Wilson 662-816-5190 / [email protected] HIKING CLUB 2018 FALL TRIP TO SANTA FE – SAVE THE DATES Submitted by Walk Shields Mark your calendars now. Ruth and Terry met at 5th General Army Hospital in Bad Cannstatt, West Germany, in 1985 when Ruth was a civilian RN working in labor and delivery; and Terry was an officer nurse. You have the option of paying for one ($10), two ($20), or three ($30) years of membership, subject to terms posted on the website. Elevation profiles should be generated to determine the levelSaddleBrooke Hiking Club, complete the form attached at the end of the newsletter. Sabino Canyon Recreation Area contains many trails of differing levels of difficulty for SaddleBrooke Hiking Club members. m. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club maintains this passage for the benefit of hikers, bikers and equestrians. Fraser Headwaters Alliance – Dunster, Robson Valley. m. “Under African Skies” will highlight a recent seven-week, seven-country trip to. 004 sbhc jul-aug 2012 newsletter. The post hike reviews were great, so plans were made to repeat again this November. M. The club recommends that the latest waypoints and/or tracks be downloaded from ATA web site (a link can be found on the SBHC Hiking Club web site) and plotted on a good topographic map (preferably 1:24,000 USGS). The club had approximately 70 persons along on. 002 sbhc mar-apr 2018 newsletter. 001 sbhc jan-feb 2013 newsletter. m. CLUB PROGRAM: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH @ 4:00 PM / HOA#1 ACTIVITY CENTER On Wednesday, November 15, at 4 p. 003 sbhc may-jun 2023 newsletter. Desert Sands The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club has six-hundred energetic, enthusiastic members whose passion is hiking the Sonoran Desert, grand canyons, gentle hills and magnificent mountains of Southern Arizona. The release below must be read, dated, signed and submitted by all applicants. m. Fri, Dec 1 · 5:00 AM. 2014 Meeting Minutes. 2014 Meeting Minutes. The passages were posted in the Hiking Club's schedule and available to all Club members. 6-mile section from American Flag Ranch Trailhead to Tiger Mine Trailhead, through Oracle State Park. com If you see your name on the list, your dues are paid throughSADDLEBROOKE HIKING CLUB MAY-JUN 2021 HIKE SCHEDULE Hiking Information HIKE RATINGS, PACE AND ELEVATION CHANGE Ratings Ratings are based on the following round-trip distances and accumulated gains in elevation over the course of the hike. m. Per our bylaws, Ruth will become President of the Club next month. Outgoing officers were President Bill Ruth Caldwell The board of SaddleBrooke Hiking Club hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Event this past April 20—the first held since the onset of COVID in 2020. RANDY PARK AND SUSAN HOLLIS RECEIVE HIKING CLUB AWARD Submitted by Norm Rechkemmer Annually at the fall picnic, the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club honors one or more individuals who have made year. ← WOOO events and happenings. SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Providing Hikes and Outdoor Adventure Experiences Menu Skip to contentSaddleBrooke Hiking Club Officers for 2010-2011 – Frank Brier, Ken Wong, Bill Leightenheimer, Dave Hydeman, Elizabeth Tancock (Roy Carter not present) News You Can Use Social Hour May 19 Elisabeth Wheeler, 8184:00 p. The four principal hiking areas are Red Rock Canyon, Valley of Fire, Lake Mead, and Mt. Influenced by Larry Linderman, Mo, along with twelve others, hiked the entire length of the Arizona Trail between 2010 and 2012. 003 sbhc may-jun 2015 newsletter. Although the club gathers periodically for social hours, picnics, and trail work days, the main activity and focus is hiking in Arizona. 002 sbhc mar-apr 2019 newsletter. “LITCH” LITCHFIELD MEMORIAL HIKE November 22, 2016. During the three-day, four-night excursion, volunteers were able to utilize the amenities of theNovember 15, 2021. Jan 27, 2023. First-time members joining the Club in October, November, or December will receive memberships through the current year and the next membership year. Kilimanjaro and summertime hiking in Oregon. RANDY PARK AND SUSAN HOLLIS RECEIVE HIKING CLUB AWARD Submitted by Norm Rechkemmer Annually at the fall picnic, the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club honors one or more individuals who have made year. 001 sbhc jan-feb 2023 newsletter. 004 sbhc jul-aug 2023 newsletterApril 18 through 20 the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club enjoyed a fabulous trip to Page, Arizona. Home; JOIN SBHC; Newsletters; Bulletins; Programs & Club Trips; Hike Schedules; Hiker Information; Forms; Contacts; Guides;. SBHC NEW & ACTIVE GUIDE PROCEDURES 02-10-19. the Hiking Club! In a “normal” year, being President of a large and active club such as ours is a major job involving a significant time commitment. Connie Kotke, Publicity Chair The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild hosts a variety of art classes for SaddleBrooke residents and their guests in the Topaz Room (conveniently located at the Arts and Crafts Center adjacent to the MountainView Country Club). Although the club gathers periodically for social hours, picnics, and trail work days, the main activity and focus is hiking in Arizona. in the HOA 1 Activity Center, followed by a social hour in the Agave Lounge at SaddleBrooke Clubhouse at 4 p. 005 sbhc sep-oct 2007 newsletterSaddleBrooke Hiking Club has seen an increase in publication costs, as well as a need to adequately fund requests for donations and cover the costs of events that benefit the membership. 2010 Meeting Minutes. m. The photo is of Ruth standing by the Trailblazer plaque, which is located at the bottom of the stairs next to the HOA1 Pro Shop. The passages were posted in the Hiking Club's schedule and available to all Club members. SBHC TRAILBLAZER PLAQUE 06-13-22. Victoria, BC. Although the club gathers periodically for social hours, picnics, and trail work days, the main activity and focus is hiking in Arizona.